...I'm still getting things done! Working at it--hahd--as they say in N.E.
So, that series I was working on for several weeks has hit a bump, and will return when I get a real system of CoPORDing in place and working daily.
Getting much better, but still re-working.
I find, in contrast to what David Allen suggests, that a top-down approach helps. I'm all too easily distracted by minutia, so his instruction to write it
all down, in no particular order, and then rearrange later hasn't been working.
So, it's projects first. Ultimate goals on top, and priorize, organize and review in accord with them.
Goal here is to post more regularly, which will mean shorter posts, and will constitute a more active review process.
Biggest goal for this month: create a shirt a day--like this one
and back
-- for the month. Starting late, so let's see if I can catch up.
At least a shirt a day every workweek day. That'd be 23 for this month.
And they won't be all about MD. I've got DE, NJ, MN, and CA lined up, along with the usual off-beat hilarity you've come to expect from the good folks at HepCatIndstries.
Stay tuned. . .
Meanwhile, I need a drawing board.