We're back!
Missed us, didn't you?
How could you not.
Back from taking some needed time off with daughter and friends.
Not that blogging isn't a full-time job.
It is, so that's not it.
But time off is time off.
In the meantime, through Seth through to Pistachio, through to Shel Israel, I came across Penelope Trunk, who's doing marvelous work in alternative, and not so, career counseling, on her blog and with her company, BrazenCareerist.com
Wow! I'd advise anyone looking for great career advice to check in with Penelope.
The thing I love most about Penelope's blog is that, along with her very practical advice and insights, she offers her real travails and concerns. You know, the kind of thing I've been covering on ReInventing Myself!
What, you didn't know?
No way. You're kidding me.
I'm just saying . . .
(Establishing ethos, establishing ethos).
I've already written her and thanked her for her great template of topics--blogging, career fulfillment, college students--some of the first things covered here at the PA, and only the first three listed on Penelope's which I know will guide me as I continue to establish myself as a great coach, career counselor and oh yeah, teacher.
Typing all this while listening to Laura deliver her Keynote in Montreal about using Twitter, and why to.
Gotta work up some backlog, so I can publish daily . . . You, too . . . House still needs cleaning.
Neil was write, "A ma-aa-aa-an / A man needs a maid . . . Just someone to keep my house clean, fix my meals and go away . . ."
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